the number 2024 with flowers photos in the numbers

“Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty.”

~ Daniel Burnham

And the topsy-turvy continues…

When I last wrote a starting my year with intention post, 2022 was in its infancy.
Since then, two years have passed, and it seems as though the way becomes more unsettled with each day.
It’s all too easy to get caught up in fear… and sometimes, some events make me wonder what will become of mankind…?

I’ve found, for myself, filtering what I can deal with, and letting the rest go, is best.
Otherwise, I would be sitting in a corner, mumbling to myself.

Instead, I will focus on the positives in my life.
How I can make a difference, no matter how small or insignificant.

so, here are my intentions for 2024

1. what will make this year unforgettable?

Last year I worked with the amazing life coach – Tara Saxon.
She helped me to nail my focus on direction for my photography business, and 2024 is the year!
I’ll be sharing more of my progress throughout the year, so keep an eye out.

2. what will I enjoy this year?

My successes.
For some reason, we’re encouraged to downplay our successes… but I’m not going to.
I’m going to quietly shout my successes from my rooftop.
Why quietly?
Because, even though I’m going to celebrate my successes, bragging is not something I find attractive.

3. what is the one thing I will be grateful for?

I am still ever so grateful for my garden.
Not only does it provide me with nourishing food and beautiful flowers, but it is the place I go for peace.
Barefoot in the grass, I wander… admire… weed… plan… simply be.

4. what will be my biggest win this year?

A goal for 2024 is to get more eyes on my photography.
Advice from the talented Nadia Culph of The Random Image – who has been so giving of her wisdom to me.
I’ve been collecting sites – both online and off – that I’ll be investigating and approaching to make this happen.
And I’m going to make a point of adding a new print to the shop each week… so again, stay tuned!

5. what will I read that will make the most impact this year?

I’m waiting on my copy of “Crusade for Your Art”, a book of tools for fine art photographers.
Must admit, I’m getting a little impatient for it to get here, as I’m keen to get started.

6. what will I worry about most and how will it turn out?

Worry… what’s there to not worry about…!?
I’m sure there’s going to be a laundry list of worries that present themselves in 2024.
But until they do, I’m not going to worry about them.

7. what will be my biggest regret and why?

The old ‘regret’ nugget.
It’s kind of like worries.
You don’t know what you’re going to regret until there is something to regret.
So, it’s joining the queue with the worries… no point in giving regrets any bandwidth until it’s necessary.

8. what is one thing I want to change about myself?

I’m continuing to explore my spirituality.
It’s not a read-a-book-and-you’ve-got-it exploration.
It’s multi-faceted.
Conscious and subconscious.
And a journey that must be my own.

9. what will surprise me most this year?

My successes.
Each one will astound and astonish me.
And for each one, I will be very grateful.

10. when I read this at the end of 2024, what will I say to myself?

“Well done, you!”
Because whatever level of success I achieve, they will all have been a win.

with peace, love and light,

Tasha xo

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