agapanthus buds in black and white

the world continues to be topsy-turvy,

but I choose to remain calm

As the wheel of the year spins up again for 2022, I resume blogging, again with the intention of there being a weekly post.

Is the year ahead likely to be as tumultuous as 2021… we will see.  But my goal is to be a small beacon of light – sharing the beauty of my flowers, my raw honesty and authentic self, and taking an intentional pause to let life slow down and be savoured.

hoping that you’ll join me as I journey through 2022

1. what will make this year unforgettable?
This year will be the first time in a long time that I haven’t worked outside the home.
I have plans of my own – projects I want to bring to light, which will fill my time splendidly.
There will be many other things that make this year unforgettable, but I am looking forward to this.
2. what will I enjoy this year?
The solitude of working alone.
I don’t always ‘people’ very well, and as I enter my ‘mature years’, even less so.
So this year, I will enjoy the peopleless quiet
3. who/what is the one person/thing I will be grateful for?
I spent many hours in the early part of Summer establishing my vegetable garden.
Its purpose is twofold.
Fresh vegetables and a chance to get dirt under my fingernails, because that connection with the Earth is so important to me.
4. what will be my biggest win this year?
The 365-project I began early last year… I completed it!
It’s the first time I have seen a 365 to fruition, so I am proud of myself.
I intend to keep it going as well… so keep an eye out!!
5. what will I read/watch/listen to that will make the most impact this year?
For me, to read, watch and listen is how I learn.
And I love to learn new things… discover different ways of looking at the world… escape from this reality into another as I turn pages… so there will always be something on the read, watch, and listen to list.
6. what will I worry about most and how will it turn out?
I still worry about my children… I wouldn’t be their Mum if I didn’t.
Again, I am sure things will turn out fine for them, and if it doesn’t, then I will be there to help them find their way…
7. what will be my biggest regret and why?
Life is far too short for regrets… if anything, I believe that regret is naught but a lesson learned from life.
8. what’s is one thing I want to change about myself?
This year I will be exploring my spirituality… a higher consciousness, if you will.
In part, to help me as an individual, to maintain calm, and to help others navigate this world… because I believe that tapping into our spirituality and resonating at a higher frequency is what will be needed for the future of mankind.
9. what will surprise me most this year?
Haven’t ever, and still don’t like surprises. So if one presents itself, I will smile and accept its gifts with grace… although a little forewarning would be appreciated!
10. when I read this at the end of 2022, what will I say to myself?
“The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” – Aristotle
You made the best of circumstances, stood firm in your truth, and shone a light on love…

with love and light,

Tasha xo

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