taking stock #16

taking stock #16

It’s that time again… time for taking stock of what has been happening in my world, which I am pleased to say is not alot! Making: time Cooking: stewed apples and white chocolate and cranberry biscuits (the Boy is glad I’m baking again) Drinking:...
taking stock #15

taking stock #15

it has been too long between posts I’m looking forward to delving into taking stock #15.  It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts, and they’re always good for reflecting on what has been going on and what is coming up for me...
taking stock #14

taking stock #14

so, life got away from me…. Taking stock is a month late. In between appointments with the Boy and getting the Girl moved into her new place, the truth is that I simply forgot all about it (even though I have a blog post calendar and ‘taking stock’...
taking stock #013

taking stock #013

hello, curve ball Life has thrown yet another series of them at our family.  Nothing we can’t handle, but it’s put us off-kilter a little. No blanks in this edition of taking stock.  Instead, I’ve left this page open the entire day and come back to...
taking stock #012

taking stock #012

It has been a rough couple of months with health issues on multiple fronts… all of which has taken their toll on me. While I usually look forward to a taking stock, I’m dreading the thought of thinking about what has happened and what is to come over the...

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