It’s that time again… time for taking stock of what has been happening in my world, which I am pleased to say is not alot!

Making: time
Cooking: stewed apples and white chocolate and cranberry biscuits (the Boy is glad I’m baking again)
Drinking: chicken bone broth – trying for a cup a day
Reading: ‘The German Girl’ by Armando Lucas Correa and ‘Energy Medicine: the Scientific Basis’ by James L. Oschman
Wanting: answers
Looking: for options
Playing: whatever Spotify has been recommending to me – finding some great new music this way!
Deciding: not much, really… nothing big on my plate at the moment, which is nice
Wishing: for a holiday – by myself…
Enjoying: our new fireplace.  After an expensive winter with gas, it’s nice to have a constantly warm house!
Waiting: for the parcel with my new yoga kit to arrive
Liking: Gin Wigmore – Daughter recommended her music to me recently.
Wondering: if we ever will get the answers we’re wanting
Loving: having the bed to myself this week… no snoring…
Pondering: an afternoon of photography and learning
Considering: learning about Instagram Stories – I really should try and keep up with the social media techie-stuff
Watching: ‘Hemlock Grove’ on Netflix
Hoping: that Daughter’s move goes smoothly this weekend
Marveling: at the stories told by the residents at Riverview
Needing: a holiday – by myself…
Smelling: peppermint in my oil diffuser
Wearing: socks and slippers… warm feet rock.
Following: not much.  Sometimes it’s nice to let the world slip by and take no notice
Noticing: how dry it is around our area
Knowing: that whatever the answers are when they come we’ll figure it out
Thinking: about what to have for lunch.  Ever have days (weeks… months…) when organizing what you and the family is going to eat is a complete pain in the ass?
Feeling: a little tired, so I’ll be laying down soon
Admiring: my exercise group.  Some of these ladies run… in winter… when it’s cold.  They’re braver than me
Sorting: through the pile of stuff on my Studio floor
Buying: a new winter jacket
Getting: back to my daily yoga practice… slowly
Bookmarking: interesting things to share on my photography Facebook page
Disliking: how much my Boy is disliking school at the moment
Opening: the pages to a new notebook
Giggling: okay, I giggled.  It was a roadside sign the said “Caution dumb sheep.”
Snacking: buckwheat crisps with vege spread are my new favourite
Coveting: a holiday – by myself…
Wishing: that Husband would understand why I need a holiday by myself
Hearing: the dog barking at something, so I’d better go check it out

Hope all is well in your world xo



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