black journal, pen and candles

the most important blog post?

It is on the most important blog.
Even if no one but you reads it. The blog you write each day is the blog you need the most. It’s a compass and a mirror, a chance to put a stake in the ground and refine your thoughts.
And the most important post? The one you’ll write tomorrow.
from Seth’s Blog – the most important blog post
This post from Seth Godin came through my inbox a few weeks back, and its message has been rattling around in my head.

during my teenage years, I kept a diary

And then I became a grown up, keeping a journal.
Now I write daily in my gratitude journal – to give thanks for my day and its blessings.

do I let anyone read these journals?

When I first started blogging, it was to create a connection to the world, as I lay bed-bound with a back injury.
Then it became a place to share my jewellery, crafting exploits, snippets of family, and finally, my photography.
Over those years, I oscillated between not giving a shit who reads my blog, to deciding I would go all out and develop a readership of dedicated fans…
I completely fell off the blogging wagon in 2019. Nothing written at all, for a multitude of reasons.
One of the main reasons?  Why bother when no one reads it…
But Seth’s post made me realise that even if no one reads it, my blog serves a purpose for me.
It’s my Diary 2.0.

so welcome to the inside of my head… it can be a scary place sometimes.

Tasha xo

Image from here

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