You’ve undoubtedly noticed that the blog has been sorely neglected of late…

I’ve been battling my Zen – trying to figure out where to lay my energies, because life is pulling me in too many directions at once again.

I’ve started working back up at school again – with the kids that really need my help.  The ones that seem to get lost in the system – the ones that I will be a voice for.

But the hours and energy I’ve been putting in, plus my Mum-glue duties, mean that something is having to give.  And it has been my creative passions… My photography (I’m a week behind on posting my 365 Project photos); my 52 Earrings project (let’s not go there!) and my blog (the rebuild has literally ground to a halt and I’ve not been posting very much of anything at all).

So The Hard Decision has been made.

When I was posting regularly (highly recommend an editorial calendar, BTW), I was enjoying it immensely.  But I know that I’m not going to be able to keep up that pace.

The Hard Decision is to only post 2-3 posts a week – go for quality over quantity (which has been an aim all along anyways). I’ll mix the days and the types of posts up.  I still want to share my love of handmade and a natural, healthy lifestyle with you.  And I still want to provoke thought, so Speaking My Mind will be staying.

So, if there are any other types of posts that you have enjoyed and would like to stick around, leave me a comment in this post and I’ll add them to my editorial calendar.

And thanks for putting up with my spotty-sporadic-search-for-Zen posting of late.  Just knowing that there are you guys out there keeps me going (and gives me the necessary guilts!)

You rock!!





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