pale pink ranunculus from the Newcastle Food and Flower Markets

after a bit of a hiatus from the blog again, I’m back in the swing….

so here’s taking stock #25

Making: more pretty flower photos for fine art blank cards to send down to the Newcastle Food and Flower Market – stocked now at the Sandgate hub and Charlestown Square!
Cooking: do I really have to cook….?  again…!?
Drinking: a cup of honey tea to try and curb my craving for lollies
ReadingQuiet Marketing by Danielle Gardner and Human Design by Jenna Zoe – just a couple of rabbit holes I’ve dropped down in the last month or so!
Wanting: a full night of uninterrupted sleep…
Looking: for a new dinner setting that has reasonable bowls and not those ridiculous noodle bowl things
Playing: my liked list on Spotify a bit lately… music has been part of my sanity plan
Deciding: to make a change and so glad I did
Wishing: for not much… I really do have everything I could want
Enjoying: my zombie television shows
Waiting: for my Ecology Skincare trial size packs to arrive
Liking: quiet days in my little patch of the world
Wondering: when I will have to go to Newcastle next… the hustle and bustle is so… hustley bustley
Loving: that I got to catch up with family recently – always a treat to see the people I love and who love me
Pondering: the next steps in my business
Considering: a polycarbonate greenhouse
WatchingFear the Walking Dead… my love of the zombie genre and all
Hoping: that this fire season isn’t as hectic as it’s starting out
Marveling: at the little birds washing themselves in their water bowl… they’re just too cute
Needing: a full night’s sleep
Smelling: the bearded iris I’ve picked to photograph – I honestly didn’t realise they had a scent
Wearing: comfy pants – the world needs more comfy pants
Following: news from independent citizen journalists, because I no longer trust mainstream media
Noticing: blue-banded bees on the salvia
Knowing: there are always two sides to a story
Thinking: that I’ve forgotten to go to the Fruit Shop…
Feeling: lighter after a haircut
Admiring: the new figs budding on the tree outside the kitchen window
Sorting: out my Studio…. I couldn’t see the floor!
Buying: bulk envelopes for my fine art flower cards
Getting: excited by the idea that more people will now see my work
Bookmarking: the book I’m reading each night before bed
Disliking: dishonesty…
Opening: my heart to the possibilities
Giggling: at the birds on the bird feeder, and how they enforce the pecking order
Snacking: or trying not too
Coveting: not a thing
Hearing: music and more music… so good for my soul

with peace, love and light,

Tasha xo

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