moody sunrise over Wallis Lake New South Wales

Fifty-two weeks unwritten. Twelve months to be lived on purpose. Three hundred and sixty-five sunrises to start over.”

~ Anon

A few days away with extended family, and although I’m still tired from all of the activity, my cup is overflowing.

On our last morning away, I woke before the sun and walked down to the lake to spend some time alone.
Added bonus, I got to enjoy this beautiful sunrise… the first I’ve seen in quite some time.

Here’s to 2023.
Let’s see what it has in store for us.

Making: the bed
Cooking: zucchini and bacon frittata for dinner, with zucchini fresh from the garden
Drinking: salted water and herbal teas during the warmer weather
ReadingMidnight Crossroad by Charlaine Harris, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future by Bruce Lipton, and The Body is the Barometer of the Soul by Annette Noontil – no one can say my reading list isn’t diverse!
Wanting: for nothing really… I am content with what I have
Looking: out for signs
Playing: devil’s advocate – but nicely, of course
Deciding: whether or not to start a second Instagram account for photos other than my flowers
Wishing: for someone else to do the dusting
Enjoying: quiet time
Waiting: ever so patiently for the retaining wall to be finished, so I can put my chicken pen in
Liking: how the family photos taken at Whoota are coming up
Wondering: when we will all get together like that again next…
Loving: quiet time
Pondering: too many things to list… some dark, some light, and most not within my control
Considering: whether or not to go for a walk today
Watching: whatever happens to take my fancy
Hoping: to catch up with the girls for our long lunch soon
Marveling: at how much energy my nephews have…. they don’t stop!!
Needing: another coffee
Smelling: the coffee that I just made!
Wearing: comfy pants
Following: what is happening in the world, but not watching any mainstream media… I don’t trust them any longer, so instead source my news from independent channels and journalist
Noticing: that more and more people are waking up to what has happened in the world over the last three years
Knowing: that I have a purpose in life
Thinking: about the mango I will be having for lunch
Feeling: hot… the weather has been summery warm here this week
Admiring: the flowers that have popped up in the front path garden… I didn’t plant them, so it’s always a treat when a new plant pops up
Sorting: through the detritus on my Studio floor
Buying: bacon for the frittata
Getting: to bed early… after a few days away with family, and the late-night talk-fests, I need to get back to my early bedtimes… I’m such a Cinderella
Bookmarking: Pixels, Bots and Human Cruelty – Naomi Wolf announcing the release of the book compiling 51 reports of their findings from their months-long review and analysis of the Pfizer documents… confronting stuff
Disliking: the lies that are told
Opening: curtains strategically to keep the house cool
Giggling: at the photos of my youngest nephew chasing bubbles, while we were supposed to be taking the ‘cousins’ photo… I need to turn it into a video, it’s too cute
Snacking: ginger is still my go-to snack!
Coveting: … is one prompt I really struggle with. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of covet is 1. to wish for earnestly or 2. to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably.  I have all I could possibly need or want, so not coveting anything at the moment!!
Wishing: for peace
Hearing: the whir of my air purifier and the sounds of cars passing by

with peace, love and light,

Tasha xo

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