succulents growing where our dog is buried

The taking stock posts have become one of my favourite posts to write on the blog.

I love stepping back, pausing and reflecting on what has happened, what is important and what I am looking forward to.

Making: time for myself
Cooking: less vegetables… we’ve been playing with our diet again and finding that we’re enjoying less veges, so we’re going with it!
Drinking: less coffee… or at least trying to
Reading: lots! I’ve been devouring books again lately, and am currently reading Transformation by Carol Berg and Tao of Photography by Phillipe L. Gross
Wanting: peace
Looking: for an umbrella bracket for my off-camera flash course
Playing: with on-camera flash and LOVING it!!
Deciding: on what to do for my birthday later this month… my original plan to be in Morocco has been put on hold and now I can’t quite decide what I want to do
Wishing: for cooler nights… even though our Summer days have been unseasonably cool, the nights are still warm which makes for unpleasant sleeping
Enjoying: my morning walk down the street to get my cup of coffee
Waiting: until I’m properly ready to launch my online photography print shop
Liking: foreign language films and shows on Netflix
Wondering: when the world will open up to travel again… but aren’t we all that have been bit by the wanderlust bug
Loving: the sense of peace and calm that I’m vibing with this year
Pondering: what the next half-century will hold
Considering: a Canon PowerShot G7X Mark III for travel instead of a mirrorless
Watching: The Social Dilemma and pondering how I use social media myself.  Late to the party on watching this, but if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend it
Hoping: I get accepted for an artist’s residency
Marveling: how much the succulents have grown in the dog’s garden
Needing: 8-hours of sleep minimum… and quality sleep, which is what has been eluding me
Smelling: absolutely everything at the moment… my sense of smell is uber-heightened, so I’m smelling EVERYTHING and not enjoying it
Wearing: my Zombie at Tiffany’s t-shirt – I LOVE my zombie tees
Following: no news.  I’m taking an extended break from watching, listening to or following any news stories at the moment
Noticing: flowers
Knowing: that everything will be alright
Thinking: about what is for dinner tonight… again…
Feeling: tired a lot lately, but also sleeping when I need to
Admiring: photographers who favour dark and moody images on Instagram
Sorting: out my priorities
Buying: a radio trigger for my Profoto A1 flash
Getting: excited to learn about off-camera flash
Bookmarking: links to interesting articles and images, so I can share them on my photography page
Disliking: the centipedes that keep finding their way into the house… why?
Opening: my mind to the possibilities
Giggling: at the memes the Boy shares with me
Snacking: on macadamia nuts… my go to afternoon snack at the moment
Coveting: my overseas holiday… it’s all good though, as the longer I have to wait, the more countries I can add
Wishing: for a good night’s sleep
Hearing: the rumble of thunder as I wait for the afternoon storms to roll in

I hope all is well in your world.

Tasha xo

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