The Weekend Photo Project: ‘breakfast’

in my house, at the weekends, breakfast is a relaxed affair Whether it’s a cooked breakfast or piece of toast with honey, there’s always a coffee to go along with it – which is just what I need to kick-start my day. Did you know that word breakfast...

The Weekend Photo Project: ‘board games’

Board games are an integral part of our weekends.  Not every weekend, but most. Usually the Little Man requests (read: begs) for Monopoly.  I think I’ve mentioned something before about having internal organs removed with a blunt spoon rather than play Monopoly,...

#twpp: ‘composition – balance’

I’m not quite sure that this photo fits  The Weekend Photo Project’s prompt of ‘balance’, but it’s what caught my eye and made me think of balance, so here it is. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend, wherever you may be in the...

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