Photo a Day April – Hair

It’s not often I end up on the other side of the camera, but I decided that for today’s word – hair – I wanted a photo of my hippy headbands. You see, I pretty well live in them. They’re brilliant for those crazy-mummy-bed-hair days when...

Photo a Day April – Sunset

We’ve spent a glorious day out at Marinka today.  Camp fire by the river down at River Oaks.  Kids (big and little) creating a rock dam.  Rain.  Sun.  Coffee.  Wine.  Good company. Love and laughter all round. And just a peak of sunset through the rain clouds as...

Photo a Day April – How I Feel Today

How does one photograph pain? It’s been a bit of a rough week pain-wise.  Last weekends drive around the bush bumped me around just a little too much and I’ve been paying for it this week. And to top it all off, I woke up with the beginnings of a cold sore...

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