{glimpses} An afternoon at Wirraway

An Autumn afternoon at Wirraway… Piling in to the truck for a drive around the property.  Glimpses of wildlife.  Kids running and climbing.  Grown ups admiring the view and pondering the good life a good life in a beautiful country with friends who are like...

I Let My Kids Use Shed Words

I had a work colleague stop me last week and say “I overheard your Daughter be rude in front of you… I’m surprised she spoke like that.”  My response? “My kids are allowed to use shed-words in appropriate situations.”  She looked a...

Who else wants ‘alone time’?

School and work are back in to full-swing and the stress levels have been going through the roof lately.  Couple this with a head cold that I haven’t been able to shake and the end result is that… …all I want is some alone time. Not just a few...

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