365 Project – Day 228

Exciting time in our house today… Daughter got her braces off!! Compared to how her teeth used to look, all we can say is “Wow!”  I’m sure that she is going to come home from school tomorrow with a sore mouth because of all the smiling she will...

365 Project – Day 214

Flicking through the New York Times LENS blog this morning, I came across some amazing images in the article Eyes on, and of, a South Bronx Community. My willing assistant happily posed for me with a set of eyes that I found online, but she had stipulations (at least...

{family} 13 years ago today…

…my Beautiful Girl came in to the world. Happy birthday my Darling Love. Your world is changing. Your inquisitive questions, inquiring eyes and innocent thoughts will soon enough be replaced by the weight of the world. Just know that we’ll always be there for you....

Our Family Health Journey Begins

Image Source Back in late March this year, Daughter got sick – really sick.  The glands in her neck were that swollen that she was lapsing in and out of consciousness with the pain.  It was a scary couple of days. After a (mis-)diagnosis of mumps, and the required...

{family} Clarissa’s Castle

It’s been an epic make this school holidays. Daughter’s history project involved making a castle – so the whole family pitched in.  Spray-glued, cut, scored, folded, sat and chatted. And every now and again swore! We built a smithy, tavern, stables, church, two...

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