Christmas Day was spent at my baby brothers this year. Doesn’t matter that he’s 6 foot 5 and I can fit under his stinky armpit… he’s still the baby and it’s the first Christmas we’ve gotten to spend with he and Mrs Ally at their house.
Christmas morning proved eventful with a missing dog, diesel mistakenly put in the unleaded tank on the quad bike (plus the emergency surgery required to remove Little Bro’s foot from Husbands butt 🙂 ) and a chicken coop cover put up so the chicks didn’t become chicken-hawk fodder. It was then down to the serious business of relaxing, kicking back and enjoying one another’s company.
I’ll share more of our photos over the coming days. It’s was a memorable trip – for lots of reasons – but regardless of that, we are so glad to be back home in our own space.