outdoor meditation hands in prayer position

do you find yourself getting constantly distracted?

I do.
We live in a world full of distractions.
In fact, my regular distracted day looks a little bit like this:
turn on computer
open Studio window
notice new flower blooming outside
go out to look at blooming flower
pull a few weeds
go back inside to wash hands
now I’m thirsty, have a drink
and, now I need to pee
wash hands
I really should put on a load of washing
snack? I’ll eat it outside on the deck
eat snack… oh, look more weeds
pull weeds
go back inside to wash hands
did I turn the computer on?
go check if I turned on the computer
actually do some work!

sound familiar!?

We’ve been told that distraction is a bad thing. And sometimes it is.
But, distraction and creativity also go hand in hand.
Research shows that creative insights are more likely to occur after a period of incubation.
It’s actually in those moments of sitting with a snack or pulling weeds that I have some of my best ideas.
The ‘doing nothing-ness’ of the tasks lets my mind wander. I notice the colours in the garden, the sounds around me. I focus on something different. And that focus allows my brain to work away behind the scenes and problem solve.
The act of doing nothing – or just being – is also important to our well-being.
These are some of my favourite meaningful distractions:

And the ultimate meaningful distractions – a sabbatical… something I’ve been wanting to do for years!

So, the next time you catch yourself getting distracted, don’t beat yourself up.
because sometimes the best thing for creative productivity are meaningful distractions


What do you do to boost your creativity?

I’d love to hear in the comments below!

Tasha xo

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