#twpp: ‘flowers in your backyard’

it really is a seriously dry as what it looks… Even the weedy-flowers are having a hard time of it.  Quite a few of the old-timers in town saying that we’re not going to get any significant rain until December. i’m just hoping that they’re...

The Weekend Photo Project: ‘cell phone’

Love them or hate them, cell phones (or mobile phones as we also call them here in Australia) have become a standard accessory for so many of us. my cell phone? it’s a glorified paperweight It doesn’t get much use and as a rule I don’t carry it with...

#twpp: – ‘composition: pattern’

As I sat having my breakfast this morning and wondering what in the blue blazes I was going to photograph for pattern (wasn’t feeling real inspired…), I realised I had a pattern right in front of me. This is the brass tray that holds the bits-and-pieces on...

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