taking stock #009

taking stock #009

It seems that these posts come most when I need to stop and smell the roses. I was telling a girlfriend today that… …someone pressed fast forward on my life, and I can’t find the stop button I’ve been having moments lately when it seems that...

taking stock #008

the weather is turning and the nights are getting cooler I find that as the weather changes, I tend to look inwards, and outwards, and evaluate just how things are going in my world. Priorities are re-assessed. Energies channelled elsewhere. Happy moments remembered....

taking stock #007

there is so much happening in our house at the moment Some of it regular run-of-the-mill, annual-event happenings, but other of it is big stuff… future stuff… scary stuff… Reminding myself, that no matter what the scary-future-stuff brings, a good...

what I did this year

1. Started my photography business – Photography by Tasha Chawner is official!  2. Spent a week in Melbourne with my family (and a couple of extras) – the food, the coffee, the culture… Melbourne really is my happy place.  3. Started a tradition of...

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