53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No. 13

As a self-confessed neat-freak this one is not a stretch for me. Which is a good thing, because I’ve been busy hanging out with the kids and Husband doing as much nothing much as we can. Clutter is stressful though, and if you can’t see the kitchen bench...

53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No. 12

We’ve downed tools for the year.  Kids have finished school, I’ve finished work and Husband has time off until the office re-opens in the New Year. The focus will be late breakfasts, swims at the pool and walks on the levee.  Coffee and cake at Cafe Graze...

53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No. 11

Sound advice, regardless of your age or gender. Which have you been guilty of – speeding tickets, hangovers or both? I can honestly say I’ve never had a speeding ticket.  Never felt it necessary to go hurtling at speed.  Maybe because throughout the years...

53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No. 10

  One of my pet peeves… running late. I always try to leave at least 10 minutes earlier than I know it will take me to get somewhere, so that I know I’ll be on time.  Doesn’t always work out that way (can you say school mornings!) and especially...

53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No. 9

Been working on this one myself lately! Would you like extra hours at work?  No. Would you like to take on a committee position? No. Would you like another glass of wine? No. There are so many situations where no is the best answer for you.  You are not being selfish....

53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No. 8

Get out of the house… Get sand between your toes… Find a riverbank, lay on your back and watch the clouds go by… I’m believing more and more that we spend far too much time connected to the modern world through our devices and not connecting...

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