why i still turn my computer off at 7 p.m.

it has been 4 years since I started turning my computer off at 7 p.m. When I first wrote about turning off my computer, my motivation was to spend more time with my family.  Add to that I was exhausted and in need of some necessary me-time of an evening, these two...

Tame Your Inbox

I’m guilty of checking my email multiple times a day. I’m waiting for a reply from someone. Wondering if anything new has hit the inbox. But it might be urgent. I really should be doing something else, but I don’t want to, so I’ll check my...

Why I Won’t Vaccinate My Children

Let me preface this post with this statement:  this post is based on my personal opinion and experience.  I am in no way advocating pro- or anti-vaccination, and respect the choices that parents make when it comes time to vaccinate their children. This is a post that...

3 {Really Good} Reasons Not to Quit Your Day Job

i’ve been dreaming about quitting my day job for years Of making a living – a real living – from creating beautiful jewellery and photographs… In the reality of my world though, a day job is the only way to go. Two kids, a loan, a fondness for...

Habits can break you…

I subscribe to Danielle LaPorte’s ‘Daily Truth Bomb’ – a little snippet of goodness to get you thinking. And this one really did… Habits can break you.   Now I pride myself on habits. Well, maybe not so much habits as routine....

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