365 Project – Day 96

Another filler today… My head is finally back to (almost) normal – the headaches have subsided enough that I feel like I don’t have cotton-wool-head! But I got distracted this afternoon doing housekeeping on the blog, and then had a lovely catch-up afternoon tea...

365 Project – Day 94

We had a massive storm come through this afternoon, and while I was out on the front verandah watching the storm, noticed that the rain running down the windows was making an interesting pattern…

365 Project – Day 93

A filler photo from our walk on Sunday (I’ve been plagued by migraine headaches lately and haven’t had the energy to photograph much). The horse was in the paddock that bordered the fence we were walking along.  It watched us with curiosity before trotting off to do...

365 Project – Day 91

I pulled Mummy-rank today and called a “No Computer Sunday”. Why? Because, now that the children have their own laptops (thanks to a generous Uncle Darren), there are times when I walk through the house and all I see is my family facing a computer screen. What did we...

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