20 winter photos to take this australian winter

With suggestions that we might get snow this weekend, I thought I’d put together a winter photo checklist specific to an Australian winter. There are plenty of Northern Hemisphere-based winter photo checklists, but they all include fun snowy things like snowball...

{documenting life} bathing the dog on an autumn afternoon

Our dog Jo will be 8 this year, and lately we’ve noticed age creeping up on her. she’s never been a fan of having a bath but in true dog-style, she insists on laying in the dirt near her kennel, which meant it was time for a freshen up. A few years back,...

marinka family portrait session – the kealey family

The Kealey family have been a part of our lives for the past 8 years. I’ve photographed them all over this time – at afternoons spent by the river, birthday parties, Christmas lunches and evenings filled with love and laughter – but as Sam draws...

what is documentary-style photography?

I’ve been reading up on documentary-style photography over the last couple of weeks. What is documentary-style photography exactly? Here’s (part of) the Wikipedia definition: Documentary photography usually refers to a popular form of photography used to...

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