side profile photo of yellow rose on black background

wordless Wednesday – it’s been a mainstay post on my blog for years now

Throughout 2021, I spent time looking back at (and deleting!) old posts from this site, and among them were wordless Wednesdays.
Because, although I realise we all have to start somewhere with our photography, some of those photos made me cringe!!
Now, despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find the origins of ‘wordless Wednesday’, so if you have any information about how it began, please let me know.
And now, here are five reasons I love wordless Wednesday:
1. it’s a break from communicating with words
Humans have the gift of language. But sometimes words are insufficient… and inefficient. And sometimes I have trouble finding words, so it’s a holiday from thinking about them!
2. there is no language barrier with photography
It doesn’t matter what country you live in… what language you speak… the language of photography is universal. The language of flowers seems to be universal as well.
3. a single photo has the ability to evoke emotion in others
One of the things I love about photography is when others let me know how they see one of my photo.
Where I see a rose, someone else sees a ballerina.
A calla lily, a swirling skirt.
A red bottle brush, well, a bottle brush!
And I am humbled when people reach out to let me know that seeing one of my photos has brought calm and peace to their day… mission accomplished!
4. a photo post caters to the short attention span
Now, I don’t mean to offend anyone in saying this, but media in general, and social media in particular, has a lot to answer for in messing up our attention spans.
The beauty of a wordless Wednesday post is that you can gaze at a photo for as long or as short a time as you wish. No pressure to read and absorb… you simply look.
5. I get to be creative in my favourite way
Instead of using words, I write with light. Framing and perspective are my adjectives. Depth of field my noun. Highlight, shadow, and texture my verbs.
Someone on Instagram asked me recently why I photograph.
I replied that photography was my safe place, helped to calm me, and allowed me to be creative. And that being able to share the beauty of flowers with others was an added bonus for me.
Have you posted wordless Wednesday photos to your site?
If so, feel free to share!

with love and light

Tasha xo

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