53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No.20

The cast comes off the Little Man’s arm today, after nearly 6 weeks in plaster. It’ll be interesting to watch him get back on his bicycle.  That’s how he broke his arm – riding the same path he’s ridden a thousand times before. a simple...

#twpp: ‘Valentines’

The senior class at the school I work at had a Valentines Day fundraiser. I wasn’t organised enough to order some, but a couple of the other teachers were kind enough to let me photograph their cupcakes (I’m known as the crazy-lady-with-a-camera at my...

{beautiful to me} Tobias Tovera

there’s a softness to this collection of Tobias Tovera’s work that speaks to me a vapoury… tenous… unearthly feel to them While I can’t find the words I need to describe this body of work, Tobias himself explains it perfectly: As an...

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