53 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice: No.14

There’s no time like the present to make changes. I’ve decided to make some changes in my life this year. I’ll be dropping back to 3 days at the paid-job. I’m going to start making jewellery again. I’m going to overcome my fear of putting...

#twpp: (like) ‘new’

technically not new… maybe spruced up is a better phrase Our sadly neglected back deck was given a big clean up and re-oiled this week so it’s our ‘new’ favourite space at the moment. Being holidays we’re spending quite a bit more time...

The Weekend Photo Project: ‘new’

Welcome to The Weekend Photo Project for 2014! So what is The Weekend Photo Project? It’s a no-pressure weekend photography project, where each Friday I’ll provide you with a prompt for a photo to take that weekend. Why did you develop The Weekend Photo...

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