The Weekend Photo Project – Letter

The little town I live in has this really bizarre system of numbering it’s streets.  Each house has a letter after it – N, S, E or W. North. South. East. West. I can just picture how it happened… Some old mate town planner, back in the day, sitting...

The Weekend Photo Project – 13 & 14 October

Must be an L sort of weekend…  I’ve just realised that both prompts I’ve picked for this weekend start with the letter ‘L’. We’re having a fairly quite weekend at our house.  It’s the end of the first week back at school and I...

Six Impossible Things

I generally don’t believe in the impossible. Impossible is just an excuse for not trying hard enough in my book. But there 3 things – I don’t have a queenly 6 – that I know will be impossible for me. They are: Rafting the Zambezi River:...

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