{beautiful to me} Cloud Tones

Found on the divinely colour-filled blog belonging to Jessica of {design seeds} there is just something about this set of colours that makes me feel calm and relaxed…

{beautiful to me} shopping bags

Did you know that Australians use 6.9 billion plastic bags each year and that 96% of them end up in landfill? Makes you want to pick up one of these chic eco-friendly shopping bags instead, doesn’t it! Buddha Hemp Bag from Envirosax Priscilla Canvas Shopper from...

{diy} Tuesday – Framed Sea Glass

Inspired by this post this week I framed the sea glass that the kids and I had collected from various beaches in Tasmania.  Originally I had planned to make some of it in to jewellery but by framing it, everyone gets to travel down memory lane with me! What you need:...

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