Tasmania – Day 5

Day 5 is St Helens to Launceston – the kids can’t wait any longer. Along the way we passed fields of poppies. I’m curious about what they are used for and whether the farmers need permits to grow them… I only wish I had of been able to climb...

Tasmania – Day 4

Day 4 in Tasmania and we’ve stayed in Swansea last night.  All the kids have been wanting to do is take a walk along the beach… An hour and four full pockets of rocks later, we all managed to meet up together on a little point where I found a series of...

Tasmania – Day 3

We’re finally, really on holidays!! Internet and log-in hiccups mean that I’ve missed the first couple of days (already… why do you always have internet problems when you are away from home?!) But’s we’re here. Today we’ve visited...

{DIY} Tuesday – Family Christmas Mini Portraits

{Image: Lori at Fresh Picked Whimsy} Well, we’re in Tasmania!! And I’ll be picking up supplies along the way, so that when we get to Sis’ house we can all create our own self-portraits for her to hang as a reminder of our visit. The kids, Sis and I...

Sit Quietly & Do Nothing

{Image: Sitting Figure from Unlearn Art on Flickr} “As muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone, it could be argued that those who sit quietly and do nothing are making one of the best possible contributions to a world in turmoil.” ~Alan Watts It’s been...

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