7. Invite your neighbour over for a cup of tea.

cup of tea

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Do you know your neighbours?

I must admit that I don’t.

The reason why?

Our house is sandwiched between the telephone exchange and a vacant block – so we effectively don’t have neighbours.

No excuse really…

So what are the benefits to getting to know your neighbours?

It’s all about community.

Borrowing a cup of sugar to finish a cake.

Having the house watched while you’re away for the weekend.

Being sure someone will find you if you should pass away while watching the television (it happens…)

At our old house, our Neighbours were an important part of our lives.  We still visit them when we are back in our old town – they’re more like family now.

Our kids played together in the drive way – epic games of make-believe.  There were communal morning and afternoon teas, with excellent ‘Steve-made’ coffee.  Summer dinners on the upstairs verandah.  Highly competitive ping-pong matches.  Karaoke nights.  Discussing the world at length.

I do miss it.

And it’s something that online communities can’t replace.  While you can experience ‘community’ online, it will never truly replace the physical-ness of sitting and sharing.

Will you get to know your neighbour?

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